The Six Sigma Project Structure

The Six Sigma Project Structure

DEFINE what's important
MEASURE how we're doing 
ANALYZE what's wrong
IMPROVE by fixing what's wrong
CONTROL to guarantee performance

Harvesting the Fruit of Process Improvement

Harvesting the Fruit of Process Improvement
We don't know what we don't know
We can't act on what we don't know
We won't know until we search
We won't search for what we don't question
We don't question what we don't measure
Hence, We just don't know

Integrating Lean & Six Sigma

Integrating Lean & Six Sigma

Picking the “low hanging fruits” clears the branches, allowing you to clearly see the kinds of challenges that require a Six Sigma approach using statistical tools to uncover the unseen roots of problems.

A combination of both creates ongoing business improvement.

Integrating Lean & Six Sigma

Using five-day kaizen events, cross-functional groups improve lead time and reduce inventory on the spot, attacking the kind of quality and flow issues referred to as “low hanging fruits.”

Cost Structure

A Quick Look at Cost of Poor Quality

A Quick Look at Cost of Poor Quality

The cost incurred to correct processes that fail to perform as intended.
Almost all processes contain some element of rework, workarounds, and unexplained redundancy, not to mention malpractice and risk management

The cost incurred to ensure that quality is maintained at an acceptable level.
Typically, every process includes several steps, such as inspection, to make sure that the process performs as we intend.

For example, nurses check and recheck to ensure medication they are preparing to administer to patients will not result in an allergic reaction. Case Managers invest up to 90% of their time inspecting care to ensure that care paths follow protocol.

The cost to run a single iteration of a process
, such as producing an x-ray, performing surgery, or caring for a patient with an acute infection